I always thought that nothing happens by chance. Every decision and path that we choose leads us meeting with people making us grow. It can be challenging, and it is up to us to apprehend this challenge as a big opportunity for new experiences.
I faced such situation recently. In collaboration with the Embassy of Republic of Uzbekistan in Brussels, in the frame of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence, we organized a fashion show. It was the first time that I had to organize such an event as a designer. I had an immense pleasure and chance to work with Vice-Rector of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry and Chairman of the Osiyo Ramzi Association of Designers of Uzbekistan: Khalida Kamilova.
She is not only a wonderful person, but also a remarkable scientific who cares about creating comfortable clothes for hot climatic conditions. She also dedicated her creativity for designing modern collections based on Uzbek fabrics, traditional cuts and design elements from traditional costumes.
During the show we presented Uzbek national and modern clothes made with silk and other natural textiles. We showed the best works of leading designers from Uzbekistan, incl. Umida Muminova, Dilnoza Erkinova and the Mursak fashion house and also my collection.
I was thrilled by the opportunity to meet other designers and see their creativity at work. But what impressed me most of all was the first part of the defile, where national traditional clothes of five regions of Uzbekistan were shown.
I realized the uniqueness of some pieces that were more than a hundred years old.
What I noticed also is that many elements from ethnographic clothing have such a place in the development of modern fashion. In no other country are the elements of the national historical costume used in modern clothing so competently and carefully.
I congratulate all these efforts of people like Khalida Kamilova and Uzbek designers in supporting local craftsman who contribute heavily in the safeguard of this unique cultural heritage and use of the ancestral fabrics and old patterns in 21st century clothing.
